Thursday, 18 March 2010

Is it the real me and the real you???

That little smile,
Makes the world go around..
That little frown,
Makes the world come down..
Some say Red, some say Blue,
I say its only you...

Words and gestures may suggest
I'm there,
But even if they don't,
Let me tell you, I'm always there..

You look at things differently,
You always make me wonder,
If this is you, why aren't we together..
If this is me and this is you,
Why cant I see me with you...

What is it that stops me??
What is it that stops you???
Is it the real me and the real you?
Are we scared of the future?
Or are we pretentious of who we want to be?

Questions run through all the time,
And if there aren't any answers, it feels like a crime..
Is this the real me and the real you??

Cant we be ourselves and not think,
Who's the real me and who's the real you..
Lets live every moment and not let it go...
Probably, we'll know in this story, the real me and the real you...


  1. Really? You've written this really you because i never knew you could write poetic... so much to discover in life !

  2. did u actuallyy write dis????

  3. Yes... I've written it.. :)
