Tuesday 17 August 2010

A situation we never want to see... Pakistan Disaster

Happiness can be achieved in the smallest of things.

In today's day and age, even while sometimes we do not understand the value of what we have, we know that if we don't have it, we'll be in a fix.

Pakistan is encountering a constant humanitarian crisis as catastrophic flooding is affecting even more people than the 2004 tsunami, Haiti earthquake and South Asia earthquake combined according to UNICEF.

According to Government of Pakistan figures, over 20 million people, including millions of children have been affected by these floods. The situation for many is getting worst daily. It is very difficult to even survive I would say...

Pakistan's government has compared the impact of the country's devastating floods to the country's partition from India as it revealed more than 20 million people had been made homeless by the disaster. The government has also compared these floods to the disastrous time faced by the country during its partition from India in 1947 where over 50,000 people had been killed and over 10million people were left homeless and called refugees with half of them losing their families.

"This has been a heart-wrenching day for me," Ban Ki-moon,The UN secretary general said after flying over some of the worst-hit areas. He added "I will never forget the destruction and suffering I have witnessed today. In the past I have witnessed many natural disasters around the world, but nothing like this."

The UN estimates approx 36,000 people to be affected by water borne diseases and the number is still gowing.

In such stressful times, I believe one good thing I heard and came across was that opposition leader Nawaz Sharif has vowed to work together with Prime Minister Gilani to tackle the disaster. In a news conference, he said, "Politics at this time is haram [Proscribed by Islam]."

I feel we should all try and contribute in our own small ways.. There are numerous organisations trying to support it in more ways than one. I urge everyone to please be kind and help the victims of the floods. Links to some are below..



Lets try and build a better future for the ones who have nothing to look forward to, no hope at the moment.. Lets unite for the world to be a better place to live...

Please spread the word.

In hope for a better tomorrow.


Thursday 12 August 2010

International Youth Day!

We all want to believe in youth empowerment and I agree, the society is very much moving towards it. We see a lot of young individuals trying to make a point and leave their mark in the society, and just to mention that this is not easy. One faces a tough time to actually leave an impact with their work, specially when they are young. At this age, its about getting the right opportunity.

In December 2009, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/64/134 proclaiming the Year commencing this International Youth Day (12 August 2010) as the International Year of Youth. (http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unyin/iyouthday.htm)

This means that this year, a major focus point is going to be development of young individuals and professionals. In a time when we are just coming out of recession still in many parts of the world, this should be a solid encouraging factor. It will promote the youth towards holistic development.

The UN defines youth as those between the ages of 15 to 24. Youth represents 18 percent of the global population of 6.2 billion people. This 18% is the future of the world. There needs to be strategic planning and direction towards shape the future of this youth. And I personally feel such initiatives like the International Youth day and the International Youth year, give the youth a lot of uplifting motivation.

I don't really agree that anyone's to blame for situations in certain countries (mostly developing) as we can instrument changes over a period of time. I believe that one should raise his voice and concerns when required but at the same time, one should take those efforts to prosper as well. Distrust, enmity and selfishness are the biggest barriers to global prosperity. If we, the youth of the world, work together, nothing - I mean nothing can stop us.

We have to be the drivers of the change for tomorrow. Lets be the change to make the change.

Cheers to the UN, The Youth of Today - The Youth for the change!