Thursday, 7 November 2013

Life and what we want.. Happiness?

So, for some reason I'm very philosophical with my thoughts this morning. 

Insomnia and anxiety seems to have had it's fair share of my last few nights but the writing isn't because of that. It's because there is an outflow of emotions.

The below said are just my thoughts and you are free to object / disregard it completely / question my logic/ not bother at all.

I recently read this blogpost which seems to have gone around massively, thanks to Facebook which then got picked up by a lot of media publishers - it's called 'Marriage isn't for you'. I guess more than anything, the writer should be given a pat on his back for the title he used. I can assure you that the impact this title had - no other would for this piece. And that's not because it's a genius idea (with all due respect to the writer), but it's just our mentality and what is appealing / eye catching and moreover associative to our thinking in today's time that possibly made people share and talk about it to this crazy extent. Congratulations to the blogger, Seth Adam Smith, you made people think.

A very well written post and it actually defines how our generation thinks. We have all had this question at some point or the other, 'what's in it for me?' - Well, NOTHING - how about that?! 

Generations before ours (long time go I guess) used to believe in - Till the time someone has the power to make you smile and takes the effort to do that, don't ever let that person go. Because momentarily you might not realize the value (possibly sometimes you never would) but if you do after you've lost someone, is there a way back? Maybe not. People do deserve a 2nd chance in most cases but in love? If you don't love someone, will you ever love them? I don't know what's the right answer to this and probably will never do but love builds love so while I can't  say it will be so all the time, if you really go for something with complete honesty, the least it will do is make the other person ponder over you.

However, how important is the love you get from them to you? (Brings back the thought we usually have of 'what's in it for me?') I used to always hear from older colleagues back in the day - if you know someone who loves you more than you love them - that's either the best case or the worst. There's no midway. It's a lot about personalities.. Some are givers and will always be and some are takers and will always be.. 

We all go through phases, where we feel we have met the ideal person and want to 'settle down' in life but what really do we mean by settling down? And is there an age for settling down? In India they say - once you have a good job, probably a house and  a car - it's time to get married and settle down. Many follow it and are happy, many aren't.. 

What amuses me most is that how our definition of being happy changes from time to time. Guess it's normal but how often do we think about it? How often do we give ourselves and people around us a chance to be happy or make them happy?

Going back to marriage - and the post about 'Marriage isn't for you', one thing that it beautifully showcases is how our parents/ grandparents saw marriage and how we see it at first thought. And yes, I'm not one of those who doesn't agree that we have evolved and will continue to evolve as people and want more from life and ourselves, but in this case - I would rather go back to traditional days. Happiness is with people and sometimes even in sacrifices. Have we forgotten how to sacrifice? Maybe not, it sits inside us and the fact that this post became so popular - just shows that. We don't want to / don't supposedly have the time to think about it (while we are running behind money/success/ good career or whatever else) but when something comes to our notice, it wakes us up, it wakes our subconscious mind. 

So go out there and make someone, that special someone happy. Listen to them, talk to them, create a happy family.

Thanks for making me think Seth Adam Smith. 

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