In personal terms, 2010 has been a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs in the year.
I had a feeling closer to new year's last year that it wasn't going to be an easy ride. The year started with some difficult times making it very important to have a strong fight back in the series of events. Be it concerning health, professional or my personal life.
But what I've realized is that somewhere this year I have changed.. The way I behave, the way I react to things and may be also how I say or do things.. You can call it maturity or may be the ability to analyse things more deeply. It can be put in a number of ways but best said is that the change is evident.
Every day we all get up with new aspirations and hope about what we wish to achieve. And I feel that's a great thing but in the bargain we should also remember that one of all those aspirations should also be smiling and spreading the smile. You might read this and walk away thinking that its a philosophical thought and it won't make a difference in your every day life. Think about it, at the signal while crossing the road if you helped a blind or less able person to cross the road safely, or if you helped a person with a baby carry the Pram out of the station, the smile you got from them, how satisfying was that? Didn't that make you more hopeful on that day? Didn't it make you more hopeful for life? Its something to ponder on..
We all do make some or the other mistake in life. Knowingly or unknowingly. Always apologize / forgive and try to make it right because life is short, you do not want anyone to stay angry for long. Its not only about singular interactions but also maintaining and building relationships. Mistakes are meant to happen only so that you can make up for it.. If everything was easy, you would not be happy! I'm not trying to be a philosopher here, but just trying to pen down certain learnings from this year.
With 2 trips to Home (Mumbai, India) this year - In Feb and July, I realized and now I accept that yes, its about the home city but its more about the people there! The so planned surprise when I went home in July and the Birthday party and surprise in Feb. are memories that I will cherish for a while. People say distance drives people away and I don't deny that but thankfully my people haven't gone far. I am glad that one call can still get the point across and I love that (I do consider myself lucky for that).
Living in London has not been very easy (not to challenge the point that I am having a great time mostly).
Away from home, I've made a home where I always look forward to seeing this family of friends. Since last year this number has gone down as some have gone back and some have moved around. But they have a space reserved for them! :)
I went through some small and some big changes and challenges this year and these people stood by me at every point being my motivating factor.
I feel the changes that occurred are a beginning to a new horizon and its an uphill in certain matters from here. I must say that 2010 wasn't easy but its clearly done more good than bad.
On this new year's eve, there are some people who in 2010 have made me smile in some way or the other and I would just like to thank them for being there for me in every way possible and only hope that this is a journey on a endless road.
In London - Farha, Mustu, Em, Zahrah, Jigar and Ainee... Priya, Himani, Sakshi, Anshuman, Riya, Kanchan, Andria, Sonal, Rashee, Nisha, Jueta, Sanjnaa, Nosheen, Fatima, Sarita, Priyam, Dwayne and Hunaid..
Lately, these two stars have come into my life bringing positivity most of the time which is a big thing for me - Prachi and Yash.. Just thinking about it, both have some great qualities that have held me up at times .. Kiddish at times, but they are definately headed in the right direction... I wish you the very best... :)
Professionally, I had a rough start to the year, but with some support and vision, it got better. Some people who I would like to thank are - Bharat Vaswani and Mihir Patel.. I've learnt a lot from both and in their own ways they've imparted great knowledge. Bharat has been more like a mentor, guide or I should say even a guardian.. I really look upto him for advice and he's always thankfully been there with the best solutions.. I have always found value in his advice and over the course of the last year, learnt a lot from him..
Mihir on the other hand, has made me realize and brought great light to the way I think and should ideally handle people. Seeing how he's dealt with things and specially people since I started working with him, its commendable. It is generally quite difficult to manage some strong opinionated people, but he's done it brilliantly and most essentially is the way he's maintained the difference between work and personal friendship. That is the biggest learning if I must say.. I have learnt a lot and I truly respect him for it.
Going back to India - Ritesh, Hoshaang, Naasir, Rohan, Ajay, Gaurav, Yusuf, Miloni, Sapna, Sneha bhabhi, Dhruvi and Kinj...
Prakshal, Ruchika, Nikita, Divya, Aditi, Karishma R, Karishma D, Siddharth, Rishabh, Dhwaja, Afsheen, Parzaan, Jignesh, Nishit.. Aabha, Lekha, Dennis and Shagir..
In other parts of the world - Jojo, Sunnie, Nausheen..
Not generalizing it all, you've each made a special difference to this year for me in your own ways which I completely value.. I wish year on year, I can keep writing these names and the bonds only become stronger..
Lastly, I must not leave out the most important people of all, Mom, Dad, Bhavna, Shilpa, Shifa, Shalini Aunty, Alex Uncle, Natalie, Ashley, Padma Aunty, Dada, Nana, Jyoti Masi and Latu Masi.. You keep me and my values to life...
Thank you all for being so wonderful in 2010 and hope the New Year brings you and all your loved ones, a lot of happiness, love and lots of success. Hope you get all that you wish for deep within..
Things only get better in 2011.. Wish you great times.. :)
Warmest Regards,