We all feel the need to be connected.
There are various ways to do that and we have evolved with more. From early days when people used hand written letters, then telegraphs and then lead to phone calls, then a cheaper way through emails and now finally Social Networks. We are in a constantly evolving age. Corporations are investing millions in Research and Development to produce a quality product that will change how we do things again..
Today, facebook is a rage. Everyone is nearly on it. Well, almost. And according to current statistics, there are more than 500 million active users, 50% of facebook's active users log on to Facebook on any given day, Average user has 130 friends and people spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook!!! Yes, 700 BILLION! These are figures provided by the network. Imagine, how much time are we investing on networking. And lets not deny, this is just one social network - there are some more and quite a few present regionally as well.
Just a thought, if the content online was dependent on the people from a country only, then the proposition put ahead by Google that majority of the content available online will be in chinese can be true. But we need to keep in mind that social networks do benefit us in more ways than one.
It is a freely accessible product almost everywhere. If one goes to see, its more effort consuming compared to a campaign with road shows. Its a continues brand building process.
As we saw, when Facebook took over Myspace and other big competitors because of its network strength, it is likely that sometime, it will happen again. But for today, facebook records figures higher than anyone had ever imagined. Its synergy with cell phones has made it easier for people to keep in touch on the move as well. It was one of the first few networks to use this mobile version technology and has now revolutionised the user experience.
One can only say that the power of social media in the future will only increase..
Feel free to share your views on the same.
Paras Fatnani
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